Do you dream of running your own internet marketing business? Are you tempted by the prospect of escaping the rat race and quitting your lousy day job?
Your aspirations could become your reality, but NOT without plenty of hard work and probably a steep learning curve.
Starting and maintaining an internet marketing business can prove a financial stretch, even for the most generous of budgets.
Let’s just take a momentary look at the repertoire of tools, resources and software a successful internet entrepreneur needs close at hand…
Domains and hosting, analysis and tracking tools, scripts, file conversion tools, html editor and validator, web safe colour charts, search engine optimisation tools, security tools, keyword research tools, internet marketing products, training materials (which can prove be particularly costly) and market research sources – to name but a few!
The lifeblood of any internet marketing business is having a list (or lists) of subscribers… You’re probably familiar with the phrase (and if you’re not, you soon will be!) “the money’s in the list”. But what’s actually involved in maintaining your subscriber base?
An autoresponder service is an absolute must for sending email, managing lead capture and opt-in web forms and then there’s creating lead capture pages and writing great content…
Now if your heart’s beginning to sink… Wait! Many services, resources and software can be found free. Yes free! So…. what’s the catch?
Time. Your Time.
The biggest expense you’ll have to meet is your time – a resource or commodity that can never be replaced – And you’ll have to spend many, many hours of searching to find everything you need.
Starting an internet marketing business is expensive. Whether you choose to pay with your time or your chequebook.
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