Sunday, May 11, 2008

When Opportunity Knocks Open The Door

In this world we are each given many opportunities for achievement and enrichment of our lives. The problem is that many people don’t even notice those opportunities, or they simply ignore them. Some people feel they are too challenging, require too much effort, and that it may take too long for them to reap the benefits.

I’ve had many opportunities come my way. I tried my best to grasp each one even though I felt overwhelmed. When I wrote my first Twirly Shirley book several years ago, I had to struggle to get it published, but I did so because I did not want to miss an opportunity. I went on to take publishing and business classes so that I could Self Publish my other books.

At the same time I was doing all of this, I was given two more writing opportunities. I wrote two short stories to be published in two separate places. One of them was published after I went through editing and revisions. The other story has not yet been published, but may someday be when another opportunity comes my way.

In addition to everything else that was going on, I was struggling with the computer. I was not experienced with a computer, and I had to learn as I went along. I did have some help from others who were knowledgeable about computers, but there were many things I had to figure out for myself.

I managed to get three books and a short story published. I had to take it slow because I didn’t have all the funds that I needed. I had used photographs of my children and computer artwork that I did myself. When I first wrote the stories, they were part of a hobby that I shared with my children. The books were very special because my kids were in them. I had decided to publish them so we could share the stories with other people,

A few years later I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in years, Melody Karns Trone. Melody was an artist. Melody and I are now working together to create new versions of my Twirly Shirley books. I am so thankful for Melody because I am not an artist and could not do professional work. Melody is a very talented artist, and was able to base many of her illustrations on the children.

I have strived for success and have now started reaping the rewards of all of my efforts. I can’t describe all of the benefits I have received by opening the door to opportunity, without writing an entire book. My advice to you is this: When opportunity knocks at your door, be sure to answer! I’m so glad I did.